12 February 2014 ~ Comments Off

It’s Still Winter and You May Want to Check Your Roof Again

With the recent rash of winter storms all over most of the United States and Canada, the abnormally low winter temperatures and extreme weather might have played havoc on your roof. Because of this, you might want to check your roof again, even if you checked it before the onset of winter. Inspecting your roof regularly and making little fixes as needed can prevent some costly repairs down the road.

Interior Check:

The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recommends you do a roof inspection at least twice a year, or after a severe winter storm or abnormally extreme weather. The best place to begin is inside your house. Simply grab a flashlight and make a trip to the attic. The four things to spot inside are:

  • Places where the roof deck is sagging.
  • Signs of water damage or leaking.
  • Dark spots and trails.
  • Outside light showing through the roof.

Exterior Check:

When you take a look at the exterior of the roof, pay attention to such things as damaged flashing, missing shingles, curling, blistering, buckling, rotting, and algae growth that appears as dark or greenish stains.

  • Visually inspect your roof for cracked, torn, bald or missing shingles.
  • Scan the roof for loose material or wear around chimneys, vents, pipes or other penetrations.
  • Watch out for an excessive amount of shingle granules that look like large grains of sand in the gutters, a sign of advanced wear.
  • Check for signs of rot and moisture. Mold, fungi and bacteria can grow quickly within 24 to 48 hours of a water-related problem.
  • Examine the drainage, and make sure gutters and downspouts are securely attached. Also ensure all drains are open and allow water to exit, and all gutters and downspouts are free of debris.
  • Check that all bath, kitchen, and dryer vents go entirely outside of your home.

Check the Roof Material Durability:

  • Cedar – A cedar roof in need of repair or replacement will split and fall apart in dry climates. In moist climates, it will get mossy. The lifespan of a cedar roof is about 20 years.
  • Tiles – Look for broken or cracked tiles, but don’t walk on the roof or the tiles will break. Tile roofs can last up to 100 years, but individual tiles can break. They can be replaced, but only by a specialist.
  • Concrete – Should never need replacing.

If you have a roof with wooden shakes, you should also watch out for damage from termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-boring pests.



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