13 August 2014 ~ Comments Off

5 Tips to Maintain a Beautiful Lawn

A beautiful lawn enhances the garden appeal of your home and reflects your refined tastes. Getting a verdant garden is not that difficult and can be easily maintained by adhering to these five simple tips.


You should trim the lawn regularly to facilitate thickening of the grass. The pattern and direction of mowing should be altered every time to avoid pressing the grass blades in a particular direction each time. The grass should be shortened by about half. During midsummer, the cut grass height should be maintained to better weather any droughts.

Applying fertilizers

During grass mowing, nutrients are removed. So, it needs to be replenished to promote healthy growth. You should undertake lawn fertilizing every four weeks from spring start. You can buy fertilizers like phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen and use them as indicated on the packs. The garden soil can be rejuvenated by spading a heavy compost layer into slightly moist soil.  Plants can grow even without nutrition, but the lush production you may be expecting can only be accomplished by feeding the plants suitably. You can also use organic blends.


Watering ensures luxuriant grass that would make your lawn look green and inviting in every season. Watering frequency can be worked out after considering ambient humidity and temperature. The grass turns a blue-gray hue when it needs water. Curled up or limp grass blades are another thing to watch out for.

A new lawn would call for daily watering to facilitate seed germination and developing robust root system. Fully automated and computer operated sprinklers are available that can be programmed for water spraying at predefined intervals. Soaking the ground is advised. You can use mulch for maintaining the soil moisture. Always water in the morning as plants can contract diseases if kept wet overnight. Fungus can take its toll on plants that remain wet through the night.

Controlling weeds and insects

You should weed out plants like white clover, veronicas, etc. You can use root weeders to remove dandelions and daisies as they prominently draw out roots to stop re-growth. Weeds greedily consume the water and nutrients intended for plants. Herbicides are highly effective in controlling the sprouting of weeds. Remember, weeds flourish at an amazingly deadly rate. Consult an expert to learn more about the specific insects that can cause damage to your plants, flowers, and lawn. Buy only the appropriate pesticides if only needed.

Scarification and aeration

Grass roots can grow vibrantly if they get enough air for breathing. Stunted growth may set in if sandy top soil is absent. You need to fill coarse sand in holes dug into the garden with a digging fork. This will prevent stagnation of water on the surface and roots will be supplied with oxygen. Lawn scarification will allow for clearing off dead roots and other rubbish that may have piled up on the surface. This paves way for better growth.

You should avoid walking on wet soil as footsteps will compress the soil, thus driving away the oxygen. You should consider installing stepping stones for walking.

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